Coconut Cashew Milk

I've been on a quest to develop satisfying and delicious non-dairy milks which go well with coffee and are made with simple, healthy ingredients. Cashew milk is one of my favorite nut milks because it has a very similar texture to cow's milk and doesn't require straining like almond milk or hazelnut milk.
That said, the recipe I am about to share with you does require straining because of it's coconut component. I think the blend of the two ingredients has a more complex, sweet flavor that is worth the extra work.
You may also notice that I choose to use cashew pieces because, for one, you don't need pretty cashews to make milk. And, cashew pieces are cheaper than whole cashews.
3/4 Cup Cashew Pieces (soaked for at least two hours in filtered water)
1/4 Cup dried unsweetend coconut flakes (soaked over night in filtered water to rehydrate)
4 cups filtered water
1. Separate cashews & rehydrated coconut flakes from their soaking water and place in a blender.
2. Add 4 cups of filtered water to the nut mixture and blend gradually - starting at a low speed and working your way up to the machine's full power. Blend on full for about 4 minutes, or until the liquid runs smooth. There should be no chunks left, but the milk will be grainy.
3. To remove the graininess, strain the milk into a pitcher or jar using cheese cloth or a nut milk bag (you can find fine mesh nut milk bags most health food stores these days)
4. Chill your milk and enjoy by itself, on oatmeal, or with coffee. It should stay fresh in the refrigerator for at least 3 days...
As a coffee person, it's important to me to find an alternative milk that has a great texture and taste - I think this milk hits those marks. I am trying to avoid refined sugar as best I can these days, so you will notice that I haven't added any sweetener to this recipe. If you'd like your milk sweet, I'd recommend adding either simple syrup, agave, or for an extra coconut punch, you could even add a simple syrup made from coconut palm sugar. Just put your mixture back into the blender once you have strained it, and blend in your sweetener then.
This milk steams really well for a cappuccino or latte, though it takes a shorter time to steam than regular milk and makes a lot more noise. It's easy to make latte art with, but I am still a rookie ;).