Ode to a Coffee Cup

She's waiting for you.
She does not enable you to hurry, run, or go go go.
instead, She begs you to be careful. thoughtful. conscious.
to hold on. with one hand, or two.
and, rejoice in Her lack of optionality.
with Her, you must stay and relinquish
your hyped up flexibility.
Oh, only for 15 minutes or so.
you cannot run out the door with Her,
or down the street,
or take Her into a speeding car.
She demands to be a stationary moment,
an interruption in your journey.
Her insulation is inherent, and organic.
you needn't be protected from the delicacy of her heat.
She's made solid,
not easily tossed out, discarded, and forgotten,
like most of the others.
She has a home. you are welcome to visit.
all She hopes is,
you will choose to sit. and stay a while.